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Posts made in June, 2024

Utah Shows California How To Provide Real Clean Energy

Each year when air conditioners are needed, California has to ask EPA for permission to violate federal emissions standards and burn enough natural gas to keep the brown-outs that nearly got Governor Gavin Newsom recalled from happening again.read...

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Monsanto Trial Judge: Zhang Glyphosate Meta-Analysis Is Nonsense

Monsanto Trial Judge: Zhang Glyphosate Meta-Analysis Is Nonsense

Trial lawyers suing over a popular weedkiller saw six words they never want to read in a court document approving a motion to dismiss a study they consider vital to their future yacht payments: "Zhang’s meta-analysis is junk science."This is not just authoritative, it is humiliating.It doesn't end there. The court saw through their pay-to-publish scam and was immune to their time-honored...

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The World Is Richer Than Ever, But It’s Not Due To Communism Or Capitalism, It’s Science

There are lots of stories about the poor in America, and have been for decades. Smart demographers know that, like racism, if everyone is talking about The Poor, it's almost eliminated.One of the giant cracks in the communist dictatorship called the USSR last century was when the television program "60 Minutes" had a segment on poverty in America. It was designed to tug at the heartstrings of...

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Sen. Sanders Still Opposes Nuclear Energy But The American Science Community Marches On

If you tell me an old white person in America opposes nuclear power, I can tell you how they vote. I can also tell you with alarming accuracy what they think about lots of science, like food and medicine. They think natural gas is why climate change happens.The reality is that climate change happened due to...them. Democrats gutted nuclear energy in America 30 years ago. Democrats cheered when...

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EU Environmentalists Pull A Fast One On Austria To Get A ‘Nature Restoration Law’ No One Wants

Austrian Environment Minister Leonore Gewessler took one for the environmental team to push through a new environmental bill that few want.If there is one positive thing that Russia invading Ukraine accomplished, it's forcing Europeans to stop being hypocrites about where their food and energy really derives. It is not Europe, and has not been since they started shutting off coal plants and...

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