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Posts made in June, 2024

Farmers Won’t Be Replaced By AI But Environmentalists Opposing Agriculture Will

A news article says that 2024 fact checkers are having a hard time keeping up with all of the disinformation and misinformation surrounding the American presidential election. While progressive activists want to allege it's only by the right-wing, that isn't true at all.(1) read...

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Anti-Science Academics In The US Are Why Golden Rice Isn’t Embraced By Developing Countries

There is no question that American academia is driven more by politics and cultural agendas than being trusted guides for the public, and a new paper by the European Society of Medicine shows that militancy is a key reason why countries which could benefit the most from Golden Rice are terrified of science.Golden Rice, fortified with β-carotene that becomes vitamin A in the body, should be...

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For Millennials, The Midlife Crisis Is Inability To Have A Midlife Crisis

It's only psychology surveys so take that for what it's worth but the authors of a new questionnaire with a suspect confidence interval claim millennials are so whiny they say they can't even have a midlife crisis like previous generations.They can't afford it.read...

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Dinosaurs And Aliens On The Moon: Harvard Found A Way To Stop Talk About Their Anti-Semitism

Harvard has found the perfect way to get old liberals to stop yelling at their young progressives due the school's antisemitism, a chronic reality they didn't want exposed in an election year: claim that aliens, cryptoterrestrials, are living in a secret base on the moon. With dinosaurs.read...

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Ultra-Processed Food Fetishists Have Turned On Vegans

What do you get when you combine food diaries of suspect reliability with an agenda against Big Food?A prominent epidemiologist. No methodology is deemed too shoddy to manufacture "statistical significance" because few in food epidemiology seem to recognize how useless that is as a barometer for "legitimate result."read...

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