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Posts made in June, 2024

The Anti-Science Left Is Now Against Misinformation, Because The Right Caught Up To Them In It

Do you believe bees are dying, that GMOs 'need more study', modern pesticides cause impotence?If so, I know how you vote, and that you would be a great fit as a humanities academic claiming to be an expert about science. Like historian Dr. Naomi Oreskes, who sees conspiracies everywhere except in her tribe, even if a domestic front group for her political party got a gigantic mysterious off-shore...

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If Acupuncture Weren’t A Placebo, It Would Be Real Medicine, So It Can’t Help With Infertility

What plausible biological mechanism can explain how sticking tiny needs in your neck helps you get pregnant?There is none, and yet Traditional Chinese "Medicine", also known as acupuncture but under a variety of terms such as folk medicine, traditional medicine, alternative medicine, complementary medicine...and then whatever new rebrand needs to be done when people stop paying for the old one....

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With No Environmentalists To Block Science, A Communist Dictatorship Vaults Ahead In Food

Like all countries with a plan, China regards food as a strategic resource, so while western nations dither about new foods that require fewer pesticides and less water on less land, the communist dictatorship is moving ahead.This time with genetically engineered wheat. The product that eco-terrorists in the US wouldn't even allowed to be grown in a contained field without engaging in...

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Despite Lacking Science, FDA Made 10,000 Vaping Products Illegal. Now It Wants More Armed Agents To Enforce It

It will be up to science history to try and gain insight into the reasons the federal government engaged in "Reefer Madness" narratives about marijuana, and then backed off that yet did the same to smoking cessation and harm reduction tools like vaping.read...

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Anti-DEI: Psychology’s Political Bias Manifests In Self-Censorship and Exclusion

The social sciences, "science" only in that way that something like military science is, a proper name, are instead in the humanities camp, and overwhelmingly biased against non-progressives, so it is no surprise that censorship, self-censorship, deplatforming, and suppression of anyone who deviates from the majority is common.Psychology is driven by surveys, most often undergraduates at their...

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