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Posts made in June, 2024

‘Chemicals’ Aren’t Causing Lower Fertility, The Decline Is Fewer Teen Births

If you are in an environmental group, you need to replenish your targets in order to keep that $3 billion in revenue per year. People need to be mobilized and afraid and believe your legal group will 'hold corporations accountable' - by agreeing to a settlement where environmental lawyers get paid.read...

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Amanita Muscaria Mushrooms Are An Alternative Medicine Fad More Toxic Than Fentanyl

Online supplement marketers prey on consumers by exploiting the margins of President Bill Clinton's 1994 Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which exempts supplements from FDA oversight if they state in fine print, "This statement has not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease" right after making...

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HomeoCare Laboratories: Finally, Homeopathy That Does Something, Like Poison You

HomeoCare Laboratories: Finally, Homeopathy That Does Something, Like Poison You

Homeopathic StellaLife Oral Care Products manufactured in 2024 have been recalled due to FDA finding microbial contamination. The two placebos by HomeoCare Laboratories with unsage total aerobic microbial counts are the StellaLife Advanced Formula Peppermint Vega Oral Care Rinse and StellaLife Vega Oral Spray, Unflavored.If they are in your possession, throw them out and change your...

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Is It Safe To Buy Food At A Farmers Market?

There is populist rhetoric about Buy Local but what few in the public realize is that the definition is subjective. Restaurants in Manhattan often claim they buy local, but in the fine print it reads 'when available', and they don't tell you when it was not locally available, and local to them may be up to 500 miles away.read...

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Was It The Vaccines? COVID-19 Effects Linger In Higher Mortality Years Later

A new analysis finds that after the pandemic ended, deaths are still elevated and the authors suggest that vaccines may be part of the problem.It is a European paper by European authors and anyone who has covered science in Europe for the last 25 years, from vaccines to food to energy, know that they will often conflate one thing with a mass issue.  They could be just getting correlation...

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