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Posts made in June, 2024

Social Distancing Was Always A Guess – Why Did So Many Insist It Was Science?

In 2020, it was a bad idea to note that, for most people, COVID-19, a coronavirus in the same family as the common cold only known to be distinct from the cold since the 1960s, was just a bad cold, or that wiping down everything with Clorox was doing no good, or that the lab next door to Wuhan with such poor safety protocol that a researcher had been jailed for selling lab animals to the nearby...

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COVID-19 Made Stereotyping Of Asians Uncool – Mostly To Gain Political Traction

Only a few years ago, American colleges used a "secret sauce" of race in admissions that voided test scores and replaced those with arbitrary demographic selection. Due to such clear racism, and despite being a minority with less than 5 percent of the population, Asians were least likely to be admitted to elite colleges if the alternatives were a more-favored minority with lower scores or...

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Is Sharing A Bed With A Partner Better Or Worse? Yes

Once upon a time, young Baby Boomers ridiculed television programs that showed married couples in separate beds. They used terms like 'prudish' and 'Victorian' and 'repressed.'Actually, those shows were representative of culture for most of human history. Humans have rarely shared a bed with a spouse or relative if they had a choice. Only in the 1950s did sharing a bed in larger rooms in larger...

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