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Posts made in August, 2024

The US Government’s New Plan To Prevent Future Hobbit Behavior

The Biden administration is in its waning days, but he is not letting up on his breathtaking levels of social authoritarianism. It's not bad enough that the average age of the young people who put men on the moon and World War II are no longer adult enough to be off mommy's health insurance, he has now declared that if they buy pipe tobacco they are at risk for cancer. Or becoming a hobbit.So if...

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The Biden Surgeon General Just Issued A Health Advisory…About Being A Parent

One way to groom people into a social authoritarian, centralized government mindset is to keep them in a panic about everything. Then you give everyone a diagnosis and tell them it's not their fault. Using his agencies, President Biden has done a lot to erode confidence in government science and health. He bizarrely tried to use CDC to create nationwide rent control, he got EPA...

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Tom Girardi, Lawyer In The ‘Erin Brockovich’ Case, Found Guilty Of Fraud

Tom Girardi is one of the lawyers who shot to prominence after they got California utility PG&E to issue a shocking settlement in a case where it was alleged that hexavalent chromium was causing diseases in Hinckley, California.Where were the bodies? They didn't exist, according to science, and history has shown it to be a hoax. There are no more cases of cancer, disease, or anything else....

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California Claims 100 Days Of 100% Renewable Energy – Here’s The Truth

California Claims 100 Days Of 100% Renewable Energy – Here’s The Truth

California activists are cheering a new report that claims for 100 days, the state was entirely powered by alternative energy and therefore solar and wind are ready to rule.This is a puzzle when California has America's most expensive electricity costs and people statewide are claiming about a 100% increase in electricity costs over the last 8 years and $500 bills last month.The details tell...

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Ford Just Walked Away From $9 Billion To Not Have To Make More Electric Vehicles

American automobile companies have been dealing with government regulations for a hundred years so they know to go with the high-publicity political flow and then quietly fix the issues later.(1) During the housing bubble of 2008, Ford went to Congress and agreed car companies absolutely needed a bailout.Then they didn't take it while competitors did, and were suddenly stuck with caving in to...

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