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Posts by Cash

In Time For Valentine’s Day: A Science Way To Measure Love

Men, if there a direct indicator of how much love you are feeling, something that could be measured and displayed very clearly, women would be thrilled. Because if they can measure it, they can train you using it. Dr. Jon Cowan, the CEO of Peak Achievement Training, says they have found the “Cupid brainwave” – [...]

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Sex so good it blows your mind?

Men and women have orgasms differently. Some studies claim a female orgasm would kill an ordinary man – but men are not without their own resources. Sometimes our sweet lovin’ is so good it causes amnesia. I know what you are thinking; ‘he means plenty of supermodels have wanted to forget they had sex with [...]

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Adaptiv technology makes tanks look like…cows?

A team at BAE System in Sweden has developed new technology called Adaptiv which is basically an ‘invisibility cloak’ they claim can make modern war tanks look like part of the landscape. Even cows. Adaptiv has scanners that read objects on the landscape and reproduce them using patterns of hot and cold on panels on [...]

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Scientific Effect of Roller Coasters On…

The guys at WGRD.com got bored with silly science experiments like freezing something really fast or the double slit experiment, so they carefully compiled some science data on what happens to boobs on roller coasters. Really, there isn’t much more to it than that. Alton Towers Resort got a group of test-riders to slip on [...]

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Idiotic teenager who peed on girl cut from US ski team

It’s easy not to respect skiers because it is a sport only well-heeled parents can afford for kids. If you need a poster child for skiers with a sense of entitlement, you found one in Robert “Sandy” Vietze, 18, who has blown his chance to compete in the 2014 Winter Games in Russia. He may [...]

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