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Posts by Hank Campbell

The Duck Curve: California Learns The Awful Secret About Solar Power

California mandates and subsidizes solar power, but the money for that isn't from all taxpayers, it is instead taxes and fees tacked onto the bills of people who use conventional energy - people in apartments, renters, and anyone who can't afford solar installations.Worse, solar owners, already privileged, also 'sell electricity back at the same rate they buy it', which everyone knows is...

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Study: Diet Soda Has No Negative Effects – And Aspartame Has One Additional Big Positive

Study: Diet Soda Has No Negative Effects – And Aspartame Has One Additional  Big Positive

It is routinely claimed by trial lawyers and their allied epidemiologists that diet soda has lots of nasty effects on humans. Science has never found that but that is why epidemiology is invoked. If an epidemiologist with an agenda looks at enough rows of diseases and enough columns of foods people claim they ate, it is easy to claim meat causes cancer. Or prevents cancer. Just like organic food...

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Eco-Terrorist Attack Causes Italy To Extend GMO Policies

Eco-terrorists perhaps thought Italy was like other European countries and destroying a CRISPR food test plot would make the government apologize and change their evil science ways.read...

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It Took Biden Abuse Of Science To Get ‘Chevron Deference’ Limited But SCOTUS Finally Did it

In 1984, a court much farther to the left than today's is to the right made arguably its worst 'social justice living document' ruling - they found that an agency controlled by the president could create new regulations that act as laws if those regulations were in the agency's "mandate." All a president had to do was broaden an agency's mandate, or have a Congressional law written poorly, and...

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President Biden Calls It ‘Good Neighbor’, The Supreme Court Calls It Unconstitutional

New York makes a big show of banning natural gas and nuclear energy while preventing brownouts across Manhattan by buying natural gas from neighboring Pennsylvania.President Biden's EPA recently decided that not only should New York be allowed hypocrisy about the sources of its that even Russia-addicted Germany thought was laughable, he wanted Democratic states to be able to sue Republican ones...

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