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Posts by Hank Campbell

Slap To Colonialism: Ghana Defies Europe and Approves GMOs

The science community is cheering while European politicians are seething, because Ghana’s National Biosafety Authority has approved 14 new genetic engineering products; eight corn and six soybean varietals.Europe wields a heavy hammer in Africa. They subsidize to make sure they can compete with local farmers and then dictate to Africans that if they use any process that European NGOs want...

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Misinformation Scholarship Is Not New, It Just Got More Attention When The Right Did It

Misinformation scholarship is not new, it just got more attention due to Brexit and Trump - and that's due to the left finally focusing on an issue when it's happening on the other side.Prior to 2021 there was little concern among the left about the anti-vax movement - because it was dominated by their tribe. Academic progressive waved away overwhelming CDC data showing a clear apolitical...

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Don’t Trust The Study Finding PFAS In 48% Of Water, Because That Is Way Too Low

Anti-science activists and the environmental lawyers who fund them were giddy that a paper found Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in 45 percent of water they tested.Oh no, let's run Big Science out of business. It's for the children!read...

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Rat Whisperer Among Top 6 Growing Jobs for 2024

College students who took out $200,000 in loans to get degrees in 18th century French poetry are hoping to get their stupidity waived before the 2024 election, but until then it's smart to look at jobs that are in growing fields.Northeastern elites want to hire other northeastern elites and the magazine Newspeak took a survey of growing businesses and found that the top field hired by wealthy...

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Black Mental Health Is Basically Ignored By AI Models

Large Language Models, colloquially called Artificial Intelligence by companies selling rebranded autocomplete tools to other companies and the public, can automate a lot of entry-level projects but when it comes to anything more complex the flaws are quickly seen.When Black people using social media exhibit possible depression in their prose, a paper claims LLM/AI tools don't detect it as easily...

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