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Posts by Hank Campbell

Weedkillers Don’t Cause Cancer And Juries Have Learned People Are Not Plants

A lawyers who claims his client, a government union employee, got cancer from using the common weedkiller Roundup, is whining that his client didn't get to hear "key evidence" from "the World Health Organisation" that it caused cancer.read...

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Losing Weight Can’t Cause Cancer But Welcome To Modern Epidemiology

As the century turned, the science community began to become critical of a once-honored field; epidemiology.  If you are not familiar with it, it is people who correlate causes to outcomes. They don't show it, they usually are not scientists, but they look for links and then if those look interesting scientists will follow up on it.This was an occupation once so conservative and...

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‘Food Is Medicine’ Gurus Link Processed Food To Basically Every Disease

Food fads in the 'food is medicine' space try to use science jargon - nutriceuticals (literal food as medicine), polyphenols, prebiotics, all so they can  promote fad diets around something new - like fermented foods recently.read more

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Boiling Water To Remove ‘Microplastics’ Is So Dumb Even Washingon Post Won’t Endorse It. Oh Wait…

A new paper in Environmental Science&Technology Letters (created a decade ago to ride the 'everything causes cancer' craze) claims that not only are 'microplastics' harmful - because in modern times we can detect anything in anything and if you can detect it, it is killing you - you can and should remove them by both boiling and filtering the water in your home.It is so bizarre - we'd have...

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Reduce School Violence By Eliminating Grades, Say Academic Psychologists

One of the few things that can get a government union employee in a mandatory industry like education fired is hitting a student. Yet the link between increased tolerance and less accountability for students has correlated to increased violence by teachers. If there are no repercussions for behavior, behavior gets worse.Everyone seems to know this except academic psychologists, who instead argue...

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