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Posts by Hank Campbell

New Analysis Adds To The Heat Pump Controversy

Decades before solar and wind took over green marketing dollars, back when environmentalists still promoted natural gas and hydroelectric power, heat pumps became an energy-saving fad.The problem with them became evident nearly as fast as that electric car range you think you'll get - it is only under ideal conditions in a lab. So if you bought one because you were told it is "400 percent...

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Electric Car Mandates Have Caused Auto Insurance Costs To Rise 26%

'In a high tide, all boats rise' is a government platitude about why they continue to increase taxes and regulatory costs while creating higher inflation, but markets are not a level playing field. If you do more work and I do less and we are forced into the same result, you do less because there is no point. Half of boats sink.Only a Keynesian economist or someone else lacking basic literacy of...

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The Hill Promotes A Cell Phone Conspiracy Theorist.

The Hill read more

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Barely Half Of The Public Now Trusts Science – What To Do

When I was young, conservatives and liberals had equally high levels of trust in science. And it was high. Only progressives thought science was not a force for public good.read more

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Report: COVID-19 Shutdowns Mean Michigan Students Have Lost A Comprehension Grade Level

In 2019, government union employees insisted they were so vital that private sector alternatives like charter schools should be denied any funding. In 2020, government union employees said they were so interchangeable anyone on a Zoom call could educate children just as well as humans in a classroom.read...

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