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Posts by Science And Supermodels

“The final experiment – used only for the most talented of the chimps”

Seriously, with the final return of the space shuttle in the news, how many of you were tempted to rent ape suits and go to the landing strip? A lot, I bet. NASA takes this stuff pretty seriously but you just know the astronauts would have lost it. Apes are always funny, unless you are [...]

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The Victorian Era gets a bad rap

If you hear someone today, especially a kooky cultural militant, use the term ‘Victorian’ as a sneer, they likely mean repressed. They have read too much Freud and not enough actual history. The Victorian era was actually a hotbed of artistic, literary, religious, social and political ideas in Britain, along with prosperity and imperial expansion [...]

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Pope John Paul II Beatification – What Does It Mean?

It’s cultural trivia to 95% of the world but a big event is about to occur. No, I am not talking about the latest wedding in the Saxe-Coburg-Gotha family (oops, sorry, they go by Windsor now), that between Prince William and his commoner girlfriend Catherine, I mean the beatification of Pope John Paul II. To [...]

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Cosmetic Surgeons:Cheryl Cole Has The Body Most Women Want

Cheryl Cole has the body most women want, say cosmetic surgeons. And maybe a few men, says me. Liberate, a consortium of BAAPS and/or BAPRAS accredited cosmetic surgeons in the UK, surveyed 3000 women between the ages of 18-34 and  determined who cosmetic surgeons should be preparing to sculpt average women into – Cheryl Cole. [...]

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The Big Bang: Particle Physics Takes The Big Stage

In 1993, the U.S. Congress did what few government agencies had done before or have done since; they pulled the plug on an expensive boondoggle because no one knew what it would cost or if it would work.   That boondoggle was the Superconducting SuperCollider and, to put it in context, it would be the [...]

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