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AI And The Poetry Problem

Artificial Intelligence is artificial, but it is not intelligence. That could change some day but it isn't happening soon, Large Language Models are fine for a few things but limited in most. That is why Ben Affleck can talk in a hurry and assure fellow film creatives that their jobs are safe. LLMs can't write a great script.read...

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Black Mental Health Is Basically Ignored By AI Models

Large Language Models, colloquially called Artificial Intelligence by companies selling rebranded autocomplete tools to other companies and the public, can automate a lot of entry-level projects but when it comes to anything more complex the flaws are quickly seen.When Black people using social media exhibit possible depression in their prose, a paper claims LLM/AI tools don't detect it as easily...

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Is It Possible To Promote ‘Trustworthy’ News Without Creating Bias?

Implicit Racism tests say you are a bigot, it is only a question of how much. Social justice warriors and others in the humanities insist that even a field like astronomy is inevitably a reflex of the power of the socially privileged.Given that science is always under fire from all sides, is there a way for science to guide technology on ways to help the public find trustworthy sources without...

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Facial Recognition Is Finally Raising Questions About Government Accountability

For most of this century, anyone in London has been photographed and filmed an average of 300 times each day. Their reasoning to start such intrusive scrutiny was that England, Wales, and Scotland led the developed world in crime, and a tourist attraction like London needed extra monitoring.read...

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Using Cell Lines And A Bioreactor, Finland Has Developed The Future Of Coffee

Using Cell Lines And A Bioreactor, Finland Has Developed The Future Of Coffee

Coffee may be about to get its first significant upgrade in 600 years. That's not to say there haven't been efforts to modernize coffee production since its earliest days in Sufi shrines, but that has been mainly in technology. The pan, like you use in delicious Turkish coffee, gave way to a syphon, which used the awesome power of heat-created vacuum physics, then gave way to its opposite, using...

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PlakTak: The Military Has Developed Candy That’s Healthy

The US military has quietly led to a lot of technological advancements that few know about. One recent example; before we had a serious COVID-19 infectious disease problem to worry about, the US National Institutes of Health tried to use Ebola in parts of Africa to ask Congress for $100 million in emergency funding to combat it. In the US. Where it did not exist.read...

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