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Doomsday Dashboard Makes Tracking The Apocalypse Convenient

Cyber warfare, killer robots, biological pandemics due to mad scientists, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists has grown since the old days of just figuring out how to kill nuclear power. read...

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23andMe Loses The Attitude And Gets Off The FDA Naughty List

In 2013, the US FDA got tired of being stonewalled when it came to seeing proof of Google-backed 23andMe marketing claims regarding BRCA-related genetic risk and drug response, along with marketing blurbs that they can make it possible to “take steps toward mitigating serious diseases” such as diabetes, coronary heart disease, and breast cancer. read...

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Noroviruses Could Soon Be Killed With A Hand-Held Cold Plasma Pistol

Noroviruses Could Soon Be Killed With A Hand-Held Cold Plasma Pistol

I am a firm believer that physics is the One Science To Rule Them All and can accomplish almost anything, but I had not predicted that the "fourth state of matter" - non-thermal plasma - could show immunology how it's done and kill off noroviruses, the most common cause of non-bacterial gastroenteritis around the world that gets fame far too often for making people sick on things like cruise...

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Is Truthy Truthful Or Truthiness?

Imagine a site where the lead developer supported the Discovery Institute, the Tea Party, the Mitt Romney campaign, Greenpeace, Joe Mercola, Just Label It, and various other political activist and anti-science groups.Would you believe it was really neutral about science?Perhaps. It depends on how many other people are involved in the project, but it would certainly bring a higher level of...

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Preventing Murder: 3 Ways To Predict Who Will Become A Killer

Preventing Murder: 3 Ways To Predict Who Will Become A Killer

Right now, the police can't do much to help you until after a crime has been committed. In a science-fiction tale about free will and psychological determinism, Philip K. Dick's "Minority Report" detailed a world where PreCrime officers stop acts before they happen. They know who is going to do it. But psychic mutants are a simplistic convention, criminologists have instead been trying to do it...

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It’s Almost 2015 – So Where Is My Hoverboard?

It’s Almost 2015 – So Where Is My Hoverboard?

As most culturally astute people of a certain age know, 2015 is "The Future" of "Back To The Future II." "Back To The Future" was, of course, a seminal comedy in 1985 - a time when terrorists were from the Mid-East and you could do a time-travel experiment on your dog without getting protests outside the theater. read...

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