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Is There A 27 Million Year Cycle For Mass Extinction Or Just Coincidence?

A new paper finds that mass extinction of land-dwelling animals - amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds- occur in a cycle of about 27 million years.A pattern in nature or just coincidence?Probably coincidence, since 27 million years give or take is a fantastic range of time but journalists and professional doomsday prophets are making something of it the way they do Mayan calendars and...

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Is There A 27 Million Year Cycle For Mass Extinction Or Just Coincidence?

A new paper finds that mass extinction of land-dwelling animals - amphibians, reptiles, mammals, and birds- occur in a cycle of about 27 million years.A pattern in nature or just coincidence?Probably coincidence, since 27 million years give or take is a fantastic range of time but journalists and professional doomsday prophets are making something of it the way they do Mayan calendars and...

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Alaska’s Salmon Are Getting Smaller, And The Natural Fetish For ‘Wild Caught’ Is To Blame

Try to imagine a world where people though wild lettuce was a status symbol and superior to lettuce grown on a farm; a salad would cost $400.That is the problem with salmon. Elite customers want to know a laborer sweated for it, they insist if it is farmed it must be inferior but unlike organic certified pineapples or non-GMO rock salt, the naturalist fetish has real world consequences when it...

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Alaska’s Salmon Are Getting Smaller, And The Natural Fetish For ‘Wild Caught’ Is To Blame

Try to imagine a world where people though wild lettuce was a status symbol and superior to lettuce grown on a farm; a salad would cost $400.That is the problem with salmon. Elite customers want to know a laborer sweated for it, they insist if it is farmed it must be inferior but unlike organic certified pineapples or non-GMO rock salt, the naturalist fetish has real world consequences when it...

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Dutch Height – A Lot Has Changed In 200 Years

For being a fellow of above average height (<6'2" now - age will do that) traveling to Holland can be a strange experience. It seems like everyone is around my height. The men are tall, the women are tall. Netherlands has the tallest people in the world. Yet they used to be the shortest.  While everyone got taller during that time, Dutch average height went up 8 inches in two...

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Sorry U.K. Celts, You’re Probably Not

Whither The Celts?In the 1980s there was a terrific British documentary called simply "The Celts", made because of ongoing fascination by entitled western elites with indigenous people and perhaps the lingering hope/fear that maybe they were somehow better than the winners.The Celts were a blanket name for a lot of people who were just The Other to Romans, any number of tribes that the Romans...

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