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Public Health

The ‘Blood Type’ Diet Debunked Again

Nearly every sort of diet has appeared on the New York Times bestseller list by now, all claiming to have a foundation in science. Yet one key reason some among the public are distrustful of epidemiology statistics on masks and social distancing is that epidemiology is also used to statistically link nearly every food or chemical to harm or longevity.read...

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Smokers Use E-Cigarettes To Quit

When e-cigarettes - vaping - began to gain in popularity in the early part of this decade, critics like Dr. Stan Glantz at UC San Francisco claimed they were only going to be used in addition to cigarettes, so risk reduction and smoking cessation would not happen.Former smokers dismissed both him and his Johnson  & Johnson funding - they make nicotine patches that compete with vaping -...

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COVID-19 Has Brought ‘Thirdhand’ Smoke Epidemiology Back From Its Science Grave

With COVID-19 and worries about the SARS-CoV-2 virus keeping millions of people at home, activists and lawyers are hoping to resurrect worry about a problem dismissed by scientists as a money grab; third-hand smoke.read more

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Eat A Vegetarian Diet If It Suits You, It Won’t Make You Healthier – Only Fewer Calories Will

People often adopt vegetarian or even vegan diets because they are told it will make them healthier, but the same epidemiological correlation that tried to link butter with heart disease claimed trans fats would prevent it, and now statistical links claim just the opposite. read...

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Eat A Vegetarian Diet If It Suits You, It Won’t Make You Healthier – Only Fewer Calories Will

People often adopt vegetarian or even vegan diets because they are told it will make them healthier, but the same epidemiological correlation that tried to link butter with heart disease claimed trans fats would prevent it, and now statistical links claim just the opposite. read...

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Like ‘Sustainable’ And ‘Organic’, Consumers Misunderstand What ‘Whole Grain’ Means

Consumers have been so saturated with vague marketing claims that nearly 50 percent can't correctly identify what is claimed to be a "healthier" option on packages.That sounds bad, except buying whole grain or white bread or fancy crackers are not making any difference in health anyway.read...

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