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Here All The Certified Organic Foods With Carcinogens You Need To Avoid This Thanksgiving

Let’s say your Generation Z child is concerned about chemicals in your Thanksgiving meal and you want to avoid that awkward moment when they don’t look up from their phones while saying “OK Boomer” as you try to explain to them that all food has chemicals. Maybe they just don’t want scientific chemicals. Maybe they want the organic kind that are healthier, according...

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How Cranberries Set Off The Chemophobia Craze

On Sept. 6, 1958, the “natural” food movement and chemophobia as we know it were born. On that day, the Food Additives Amendment of 1958, which modified the U.S. Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938, came into force.Also known as the Delaney Clause, it stated if a synthetic chemical could be shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals, the chemical must be banned. It also suggested if the...

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Capricious California: Coffee Won”t Have A Prop 65 Warning, Which Means Few Products Should

After attracting scorn with bizarre classifications of a weedkiller, bacon, and hot tea, the French statistics group known as the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) decided to puncture claims that activists had manipulated the process by doing a flip-flop on coffee. Though they were widely expected to increase the hazard designation from 1991's already bizarre "possibly...

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Your Meat Does Not Bleed – But That People Think It Does Is Important For Plant-Based Substitutes

If you have cooked a steak or a hamburger you know that by the time you are ready to serve it, and certainly after you cut or bite into it, there will be liquid that oozes out of it. Anti-meat groups know it isn't blood(1) but they use that imagery to try and sway people to their cause. And groups who make substitutes for meat also use that imagery, because they think that's important to...

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IARC Alone: EPA Confirms Again That Glyphosate Does Not Cause Cancer

There is a big difference between a trial lawyer convincing a jury in one of America's most anti-science regions that an herbicide that only acts on plants might be able to cause human cancer, and scientists with knowledge of chemistry, biology, and toxicology who know better.read...

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Kids Running Lemonade Stands Understand The U-Shaped Curve Isn’t Real, Why Don’t Environmentalists?

Friends of the Earth, the kooky offshoot of Sierra Club that hates science even more, is dumping its advertising budget into a claim it commissioned from a Maharishi Institute scholar who runs what is apparently an uncredentialed lab claiming they were able to detect a weedkiller in common food. And journalists have repeated it everywhere.Any scientist could have told them that and saved their...

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