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NIMH Delivers A Kill Shot To DSM-5

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is distancing itself from the the American Psychiatric Association and its upcoming Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5).While they acknowledge that the goal of DSM "is to provide a common language for describing psychopathology" they are no longer convinced that approach has value if we are going to solve 21st century...

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Buy Generic Food Or Psychologists Will Call You A Republican

Some controversial modern psychologists claim that conservatives and liberals don't just differ in political ideology, correlation and causation is inferred in actual personality templates and even genetics - yes, that would mean Americans are evolving into two distinct species separate from the rest of the planet. So in that odd framework they have decided American liberals are conscientious,...

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Coffee Addiction: Four A Day – Enemas, That Is

You might be a crackpot if you won't drink coffee because it is bad for your health, yet you are shoving it in your rectum multiple times per day. "My Strange Addiction" on TLC this week has a story about a Florida couple who each have at least 100 coffee enemas per month, and totaling 6,000 in the last two years.How can they pull it off?  Vacations are clearly out of the question,...

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Why People Sometimes Believe In Magic

Some people believe in magic. In Science Left Behind, in the process of debunking claims that one American political party is overwhelmingly pro-science and one is anti-science,  we put a handy chart on page 213 itemizing the various anti-science positions of registered voters.  Sure, evolution and climate change was higher on one side but the list of anti-science beliefs by the other...

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The Science Is Settled: Slimmer Waists On Women Lead To Better Erectile Function In Men

Psychologists in Scotland are not politically correct. While Americans are loathe to state the obvious, in Scotland it is okay to just speak some plain truth – if you weren’t fat, maybe men would not need a chemical boost to be interested. Writing in Archives of Sexual Behavior (where else?!?) two psychologists did some surveys [...]

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The Science Is Settled: Slimmer Waists On Women Lead To Better Erectile Function In Men

Psychologists in Scotland are not politically correct. While Americans are loathe to state the obvious, in Scotland it is okay to just speak some plain truth – if you weren’t fat, maybe men would not need a chemical boost to be interested. Writing in Archives of Sexual Behavior (where else?!?) two psychologists did some surveys [...]

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